Gretchen Fujimura

Gretchen Fujimura

What’s your name, major and where are you from?

Gretchen Fujimura (She/Hers), Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and I am from Portland OR!

Do you have any dreams after college?

Lots! I hope to attend medical school once I graduate and one day become a really great and caring physician. I also hope to do lots of research during the rest of my career as it is one of my passions. Other dreams include learning how to fly a
plane and play the cello.

Are you a part of any clubs, sports, or student organizations? Do you have a job?

I started my own leadership, service, and recognition club that focuses on helping students that live within the residence halls. I am extremely proud of my club and all of the great work we have achieved over the last year and a half. I also work as a research assistant where I get to put on a lab coat and do fun science. In my spare time I love to hang out at Dixon where I usually lift weights or play volleyball.

What has been your biggest success at ÐÔ¸£±¦ so far?

I am especially proud of the club that I started and the community that has grown from it. I have had the most amazing opportunity to work with really bright and hardworking people and I am excited to see what the club becomes in the

What’s your favorite college memory you’ve made so far?

Definitely walking the football field as part of OSU’s Homecoming court! It was exhilarating seeing my friends in the stands and being up on the jumbotron. It was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

How do you want to make a difference in our community? This could be current or in the future.

I’m someone who gets a lot of ideas on how to improve things. As an example, I am a volunteer with the Adaptive Exercise Clinic here at OSU. The AEC helps individuals with disabilities get physical exercise. I truly believe in the work that this clinic does and with the help of very supportive advisors, we implemented some improvements to the clinic that I had thought of. My proudest accomplishment was connecting the clinic directors with the OSU Foundation to help fundraise for better equipment and scholarships for the participants. I hope to stay well connected with my community so that I can keep making positive impacts.

If you could give one message to incoming freshmen, what would you say?

Apply to everything that interests you and take every opportunity you can. The worst case is that you get rejected and apply again the next year. The best case is you have an amazing experience that opens new doors for you. My other message
is to get involved with research because it’s super cool.

You’ve overcome many challenges to get you to this point. If comfortable, please share a challenge and briefly comment on what you learned from it or how you got through it.

At OSU I realized that sometimes the world isn’t fair. I spent my first two years at OSU in a leadership club, my freshman year I was a member and my sophomore year I was on the executive team. I decided to run for the president position as I had worked really hard recruiting members and organizing events the previous two years. Despite being the most qualified applicant I was not chosen as president. It was devastating because I thought that my hard work would have paid
off and it didn’t. Afterwards, I started my own leadership club that has a much more
fair election process and it ended up being much more successful.

In the next year of your life, what do you look forward to most?

I am currently on a research internship at NASA, so I am really excited to learn as much as I can during the next few months. After that, I am really looking forward to graduating!

If you could deliver one message to your peers, what would you say?

Do what you enjoy and take advantage of everything OSU has to offer.